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Black Fungus with Worms, Tobacco, Offsetting Capitalism Near the end of this summer, I spent a day with the tobacco growers. I watched them as they did their labor in the fields, sometimes literally with holes in the ground. I saw their tools, and old hoes and shovels. I saw the rust of the tobacco presses that compress the tobacco leaves. They work in small, low-lying places where other men work on the more stable ground. They bend their backs to pump water through their tractor, to hold onto the handle, and haul water back out with the tractor. They were dusty and tired and sweating. Their mouths were dry. I remembered that many of them were glad about the rainy summer. Even if it means the loss of an entire harvest, they wished for rain and they worked harder.

When the farmers stood in the sunlight and looked at the tobacco leaves they thought about the worms. They thought about the dryness of the soil and how they stand in the shadow of other farmers who plant with trees and canals and irrigation systems, or they work in the forest, and in the foothills and on the river. Some of them work in big fields. They have ranches with cattle, but they also farm with tobacco. The tobacco farmers think about their competitors and how they are offsetting their production. They point to the tobacco fields that they have worked in and offshored, and they consider themselves very lucky that they have factories to work for and offload the tobacco to.

They think about how they think about their work, and they feel very far from the factories, even though they are on the same land, and they have helped produce the cotton that covers the cotton undergrads and faculty and students have their clothes and homes made of, and they are farming with tobacco, and they have helped offset capitalism’s exploitation of their land. When they sit in their homes with the view of their cotton fields and their corn, they feel like there is a progression to what they do, and they think that it is the same progression they have done for generations, and now they have stepped backward to offset capitalism. The tobacco farmers feel their taxes as they drive to the bank, and they feel their efforts as they make their payments to the government, and they feel themselves as they watch their sons take the jobs that they once did.

The farmers watch television and talk about our government. They say how they are supporting offshoring, but they don’t want their taxes to be used to offset capitalism. They want to keep their taxes at the level they were paying a decade ago, and they say that in the last decade they have offset capitalism. They say that they have offset it. Black Fungus has a bigger presence than capitalism. In their minds, taxes offset capitalism.

(2)Fruit and Plant Disease, Offsetting Capitalism America, fruit and plant disease are discussed as big, complex issues. But if fruit and plant disease were an industry, the industry would be large, and mature, and it would have economic power. The industry is in a region that is very close to the tobacco regions, and tobacco is used as a way to balance out the effects of fruit and plant disease.

When I was in the tobacco fields, I thought about offshoring, and I thought about offsetting capitalism, but I also thought about fruits and plant disease and how they create a need to offset capitalism.

I thought about fruits and plant disease as I sat with the tobacco farmers, and I was in a place where I had to think about them as a way to balance out the effects of offsetting capitalism, but also I was in a place that was miles from any factory, and the farmers were making a choice to stay where they are, and they were making a choice about their way of life. They thought that making these choices was the right thing to do.

f I would not have sat in the tobacco fields I would not have known about the fact that there is fruit and plant disease, and that fruit and plant disease are offsetting capitalism in this region. I would not have known that there is fruit and plant disease, and the idea that fruit and plant disease are offsetting capitalism is entirely illogical.

I could not have known that offshoring would have offset the apple factory and this place, and offset capitalism. When I was sitting there in the tobacco fields, and I was trying to understand the economic importance of fruit and plant disease, I was trying to understand the economic importance of offshoring.

Offshoring is a big word, and it does a lot of work, and it makes a lot of people feel that they are offshoring themselves, and it makes people feel that it is impossible to change the economy, but offshoring isn’t the problem. Offshoring is a separate issue, and if it wasn’t, and if it only changed the economics of this place and the place where the apple factory was, then offshoring could not be offsetting capitalism. But offshoring is producing a lot of jobs that are offsetting capitalism.

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